Webinar: Betrayal Trauma in the Body with Bryn Merida

Bryn Merida, Licensed Massage Therapist, is passionate about helping women learn to reconnect with their inner wisdom through interoceptive awareness and trauma informed support groups.

Listen as we talk about the importance of getting back into awareness of our body, and what it's trying to tell us.

If you find this information helpful, please consider joining Bryn in the next Foundations 5 week group.
Code EARLYBIRD20 expires at midnight, 5/23/23

Clarity and Peace  with Boundaries with Boundaries support group. Master Boundaries, get support for boundaries to guard against gaslighting, blame, denial, minimization, manipulation and isolation.

* If this website, or any part of our private, tightly moderated Facebook Group has helped you, you can encourage me to continue publishing helpful content by Buying Me a Cup of Coffee for as little as $3.

I use your donation continue my training and education in recovery from betrayal trauma, sex addiction and coupleship recovery.

Pam B.

I'm a spouse recovering from betrayal trauma, with more experience dealing with betrayal trauma than any individual should ever have (28+ years. I went on to complete training in the APSATS Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model. I'm a certified Life Coach and NLP practitioner, and completed the Door of Hope trauma informed peer facilitation training. Currently experiencing post-traumatic growth and trying to help others not make the same mistakes I did, and help others find recovery, healing, restoration, redemption and peace. Turning tragedies into triumphs is my main goal in life. Faithful follower of Jesus, wife to a husband in good recovery, and mom to her favorite college student.

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