Resources and support for recovery and reconciliation from partner Betrayal Trauma
due to your husband's sex or porn addiction

Enrollment is now open for Clarity and Peace with Boundaries a 4 week practical boundaries education experience with personalized education and group meeting experience with days of the week to choose from:
Mondays, starting September 16, 2024 at 4:00pm PT / 5:00 pm MT / 6:00pm CT / 7:00pm ET
Saturdays, Septemberly 14, 2024 at 7:00am PT / 8:00 am MT / 9:00pm CT / 10:00am ET

One person holding another person's hand in support and encouragement. Symbolic of betrayal trauma coaching.

Welcome to Recovered Peace
A resource for healing and recovering from the effects of your partner's serial infidelity or porn or sex addiction.
Living with a person who has a sex addiction, chronic porn use,
repeat deception, lies, cheating, and broken promises to stop, causes partners to experience very real heartbreak and trauma.
You deserve the best support you can find.
I can help you.

I'm a spouse in recovery from betrayal trauma, and have committed to walking with women on this journey. I have completed a training in the APSATS Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model. I am a certified Life Coach and NLP practitioner. I’m a grateful follower of Christ. My groups are secular and all faiths are welcome.

Start here if you just found out.  Take the free course:

Betrayal Trauma from Sex Addiction Recovery Basics

CRITICAL information you NEED TO KNOW for your safety and potential recovery of your relationship
* Why Traditional Marriage Counseling is NOT THE ANSWER and can be DANGEROUS to you and your marriage...
* Where to start to take action for your empowerment and getting out of limbo....
and more...

Boundaries for Wives of Sexually Addicted and Porn Addicted Men
-this groundbreaking digital course and live support program is now available

Enrollment is now open - act fast, this group fills quicklyRecovered Peace - Heartfelt Support for Partner Recovery

Just a few practical things you'll learn how to do:

  • Communicate boundaries with love and compassion
  • Deal with push-back (expect it!)
  • Plan in advance how you will enforce boundaries
  • Know how long to enforce boundaries

Learn more about this empowering program now... 

PODCAST:  Listen now - Hope for WivesHope for Wives Podast Logo
The faith based and trauma informed podcast that dives into all things betrayal and comes up for air with hope for all wives struggling with their husband's hurtful behaviors due to their problematic sexual behaviors.
Headshots of Bonny Burns and Lychel Burket and Pam Blizzard the Hope for Wive Podcast hosts

* If this website, or any part of our private, tightly moderated Facebook Group has helped you, you can encourage me by leaving me feedback here. 

I use your encouragement to continue my training and education in recovery from betrayal trauma, sex addiction and relationship recovery.

Links to therapies, support groups, books, groups to bring you up to speed on the recovery journey.

What Recovering Partners Say:

Recovered Peace Blog

The real person is behind the sex addict mask

When You Love a Sex Addict

The natural consequences of sex addiction reach far beyond the addict, and touches everyone that loves them. The deception and betrayal felt by spouses, family and friends reaches far, and are difficult to stomach. When you love someone with a sex addiction life can be chaotic and you experience betrayal trauma.  The good news is,…

Love love love yourself

Love yourself. No, really, I mean LOVE your, ‘SELF'.

You are so precious and beautiful, and worthy, standing in your own sacred space. Similar to, “If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?” Yes of course it does, and… If a woman like all of us, is deeply feeling, deeply caring, loving,…

The future is now. Stay out of worry about the future and betrayal trauma and relationship recovery

Avoiding Future Tripping: Stay out of worry in betrayal trauma relationship recovery

What is Future Tripping? One of the best tools in my betrayal trauma recovery toolkit was how to stay out of worrying about the future. To say I worried, would be an understatement. Rather, I obsessed. I panicked. I triggered over the future.  “What if movies” that played in my head about “what might happen”.…


Recovered Peace Blog