Betrayal Trauma and Sex Addiction Recovery Basics – Registration Required

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Start your journey to unraveling the chaos and recovering your peace.
If you're new to the subject of betrayal trauma caused by your partner's behaviors due to their sex addiction, these topics will help you get started with descriptions, insights, and steps you can take to regain solid ground again.


While it can be shocking to learn that your betrayal has caused very real trauma and PTSD like symptoms, the good news is, there is a way through to the other side and regain your strength again.

Sex addiction is a widely misunderstood and wrongly stigmatized affliction. As we learn the truth about sex addiction (it's not about sex) and betrayal trauma (we can regain safety, mourn losses and reconnect ) we find that we have the strength to walk out our values with authenticity and dignity. We find that we can feel joy again, and recover our ability to move safely through our most important relationships.


The information in these topics have been pulled together from several sources. I've used my own experience as a recovering spouse, my own education in therapy and specialized trauma-informed training I've received for betrayal trauma recovery, as well as information provided by women in recovery our private Facebook Group.


We're not here to tell you how to do it. We're here to tell you how we did  – and how we achieved healing, recovery and even growth as a result of the worthy work we've done towards our own recovery.

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